In 2011 the measures were evaluated and new priorities for implementation were formulated for the period 2011-2015. Along with the klimaaktiv mobil cycling campaign, moves were also made to bring the importance of cycling as an economic and health factor increasingly into focus, and priorities were defined for the promotion of electric bicycles and for linking cycling to public transport.
Between 2006 and 2010 the share of cycle travel in Austria increased from 5% to 7%. The target for 2015 is a 10% share. The results of a nationwide household travel mobility survey (“Austria on the move”) will be published during the year 2015. Documented increases in local cycle mode shares already show that the direction taken by promoting cycling in Austria is correct and that the federal government’s aim of increasing the share of cycle traffic to 13% by 2025 is attainable with consistent implementation.
Despite the successes achieved in the promotion of cycling over the last few years one can see that there is still more potential for further development, which is why new measures have been developed and are to be implemented together with the measures from the implementation period 2011-2015 which have been adapted to current challenges. For the implementation period 2015-2025 the following priorities have been formulated:
- the klimaaktiv mobil cycling campaign:
The successful nation-wide coordination of cycling ensures consulting, promotion, and awarenessbuilding with regard to cycling on all levels and shall initiate an investment drive via klimaaktiv mobil for the promotion of cycling.
- cycle-friendly conditions:
Cycle-friendly settlement structures, the development of infrastructure, cycle-friendly legal conditions and a pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion in the context of the UNEC/WHO Transport, Health, Environment Pan-European Programme support cycling.
- information systems and awareness raising:
Promoting an appreciation of cycling as an everyday means of transport is necessary for the sustainable promotion of cycling. Image campaigns, cycle training and bicycle compatibility assessments should contribute to this.
- optimising connections
to other means of transport: The combination of cycling with other means of transport, in particular ecomobile transport choices (walking and public transport) provides an essential foundation for climate-friendly mobility.
- cycling as an economic factor:
The growing economic significance of cycling is accounted for by the development and marketing of high-quality products and services from Austria.
- cycling for the promotion of health:
To maximise the economic benefits of cycling through improved health, the aim of increasing the cycling mode share should be increasingly communicated and firmly established, as a health-promoting measure, in the health sector.
To these six priorities 24 measures have been assigned.