Imprint and legal notices

Imprint and legal notices

The information provided on these websites are subject to an imprint, a disclaimer, a copyright notice, provisions concerning the protection of person-related data as well as to a note on gender-neutral formulations.

The imprint also applies to the following social media profiles:

Imprint and disclosure according to §§ 24, 25 of the Media Act

Principal and proprietor

Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK): Public Administration
Postal address: Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Phone: (+43 1) 71162-65 0

Development of the klimaaktiv website
Computing and Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (Land-, forst- und wasserwirtschaftiches Rechenzentum  LFRZ)
Design: kraftwerk

Operative implementation and maintenance of the website
klimaaktiv Management
Austrian Energy Agency – Österreichische Energieagentur
DVR (data processing register number) 914305190
Purpose of the association: development of measures and consulting of decision-makers with regard to energy issues on a scientific basis
Authorised representative according to the statutes of the association: Managing Director Peter Traupmann
Headquarters of the association: Mariahilfer Strasse 136, 1150 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 586 15 24-0
Fax: +43 1 586 15 24-340

This website of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) is intended to simplify public access to information and measures that have been developed as part of the climate protection initiative klimaaktiv.

Photo credit

Header image:
Prison Korneuburg (Justizanstalt Korneuburg) / Winner of the State Prize for Architecture and Sustainability 2014 / © Kurt Hoerbst

Building Retrofitting, Vienna (Wohnhaus, Sanierung, Wien-Währing) / Winner of the State Prize for Architecture and Sustainability 2014 / © Kurt Hoerbst

Social media icons:
Komodo Media, Rogie King/CC BY-SA 3.0

klimaaktiv and the Energy Efficiency Act

Please note that the programmes and initiatives of klimaaktiv for increasing energy efficiency or the implementation of klimaaktiv by the Austrian Energy Agency are not a substitute for the obligations under the Energy Efficiency Act, EEffG, and do not serve as a certification or statement towards the national energy efficiency monitoring body. The monitoring body processes and registers reported data regardless of the content of the klimaaktiv cooperations.

If services or grants are provided as part of the cooperation with klimaaktiv, which can be recognised as measures of strategic instruments within the meaning of the Energy Efficiency Act, a crediting thereof is only possible in accordance with the requirements of § 27 (4) EEffG. This must be taken into account on the part of the contract partner(s) when reporting measures in accordance with § 9 to 11 EEffG.

Legal notices

The contents of this website have been researched and implemented with the greatest possible care. These include:

  • information of a general nature only without reference to a specific person or institution and without claiming to be exhaustive;
  • links to external websites, on the content of which or on their subsequent changes the BMK has no influence and for which it assumes no responsibility;
  • no professional or legal advice (if you need individual advice, you should always consult an expert, or at least someone acquainted with the specific situation).

Errors during the editing process cannot be excluded. There is therefore no guarantee for the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information offered or for the availability and operation of the website. Liability for damage resulting from the use or unavailability of the information and applications offered is excluded to the extent permitted by law.

None of the content constitutes communication in the sense of communication with the authorities.

The BMK cannot guarantee that the online version of a document corresponds exactly to the official version. Only legal acts of the Republic of Austria, which are usually published in paper form in the legally prescribed manner in the "Bundesgesetzblatt der Republik Österreich" (Federal Law Gazette of the Republic of Austria), are binding.

If there are problems with third party websites or comments linked to this website, especially if they contain criminal, racist, sexist, discriminatory, pornographic, Nazi or offensive content, please let us know.

Our goal is to provide accurate and current information. If we become aware of errors or mistakes, we will try to correct them:

Protection of personal data

Protection and security of your personal data is important to us. The BMK therefore stores and processes data exclusively in accordance with the GDPR. You can find our data protection information here.

Note on gender-neutral language

Even where not explicitly stated on the website, all references to persons apply to all genders.

Copyright notice

Except for commercial purposes, reprinting is permitted, unless otherwise stated, provided the source is acknowledged. If prior authorisation has to be obtained for the reproduction of certain text and multimedia data (sound, images, programmes, etc.), this waives the above-mentioned general authorisation; any restrictions on use are clearly indicated.


published at 15.04.2013